Tag Archives: New Jersey Turnpike

Will Seat Belts Be a Major Issue in the Tracy Morgan/Wal-Mart New Jersey Truck Accident Case?

By MLG Accident Lawyers NJ |

Earlier this year, comedian and actor Tracy Morgan, along with others, filed a lawsuit against Wal-Mart for serious personal injuries caused when a truck driven by a Wal-Mart employee crashed into the limousine bus they were riding in on the New Jersey Turnpike (see Wal-Mart Faces Liability in New Jersey Fatal Truck Accident that… Read More »

Wal-Mart Faces Liability in New Jersey Fatal Truck Accident that Injured Actor Tracy Morgan

By MLG Accident Lawyers NJ |

Actor and comedian Tracy Morgan, former star of hit television shows Saturday Night Live and 30 Rock, is suing Wal-Mart for injuries sustained in a traffic collision that occurred last month when Morgan’s limousine was struck by a semi tractor-trailer on the New Jersey Turnpike, an accident which took the life of fellow comedian… Read More »

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